EN: BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd
IT: Istituto Automobilistico di Ricerche e Sviluppo BOSMAL S.r.l.
DE: Institut für Forschung und Entwicklung von Fahrzeugtechnik BOSMAL GmbH
PL: Instytut Badań i Rozwoju Motoryzacji BOSMAL Sp. z o.o.
Sarni Stok 93
43-300 Bielsko-Biała
EU VAT No. PL5472013159
DUNS No. (D&B): 522861715
National Court Registry No: 0000221979
Regional Court in Bielsko-Biała, VIII Commercial Department of National Court’s Register
Legal status: Limited company
Basic capital: PLN 5.150.000
Sales and Customer Service
sales[ at ]bosmal.com.pl
tel.: +48 33 81 30 424
tel.: +48 33 81 30 442
tel.: +48 33 81 30 469
tel.: +48 33 81 30 465
tel.: +48 33 81 30 544
tel.: +48 33 81 30 508
fax: +48 33 81 30 441
Marketing and Market Analysis
marketing[ at ]bosmal.com.pl
tel.: +48 33 81 30 545
Business Development
businessdevelopment[ at ]bosmal.com.pl
tel.: +48 33 81 30 445
Secretariat of the Institute
e-mail: bosmal[ at ]bosmal.com.pl
tel.: +48 33 813 05 39